Beginners’ Courses
Beginners Course
Our 2025 course is sold out. Please join the waiting list here.
Are you interested in keeping bees? Have you already got bees and would you like to feel more confident in your beekeeping? This introduction to beekeeping is tailored for those interested in keeping bees in an urban environment. You'll learn about the theory to underpin good beekeeping practice, for example, biology of honey bees, how to keep healthy bees, essential beekeeping equipment and the annual cycle of beekeeping. You'll then put your knowledge into practice, interacting with bees and the equipment in the practical sessions. Our team of seasoned beekeepers will guide you through both theoretical knowledge and hands-on sessions. There is no exam at the end but you’ll become a member of the North London Beekeepers’ Association to continue your learning.
Theory with Saturday morning practical: 17th / 18th May (Saturday and Sunday), 10 am - 5 pm
Follow-up practicals on 8th June and 29th June (Sundays), 10 am - Noon.
Location Details:
Theory Sessions: University College School Junior Branch, 11 Holly Hill, London NW3 6QN
Practical Sessions: Teaching apiary near Kenwood House, North London.
The course includes:
The 2-day theory course (tea / coffee included)
Two 2-hour follow-up practical sessions (required equipment and protective wear included)
A BBKA Guide to Beekeeping book to supplement the theory course
Six months of membership with North London Beekeepers, a friendly community of fellow beekeepers providing regular apiary teaching sessions, demonstrations, and social events throughout the year to supplement the practical sessions
Twelve months of membership with the British Beekeepers Association, with the monthly beekeeping magazine (BBKA News) and third-party insurance cover with BBKA and Bee Disease Insurance (BDI) (helpful if you have your own bees).
Course fee: £195 if booked on or before 31st January 2025 and £250 after 31st January 2025.
Eligibility: Adults (over 18 years of age).
Please note: Practical sessions are subject to weather conditions (the bees prefer sunshine too!) and may be rescheduled as necessary. The practical sessions involve hands-on activities – for example, inspecting a beehive, extracting honey and building hive frames. If you think you might need any adjustments in order to participate in the session, please do get in touch with us (email
Refund policy (we appreciate that life changes and you may need to cancel your participation. We are happy to refund the course but ask you to cover the fees which are non-refundable to NLB):
Before 1st March: refund minus a 10% cancellation fee
2nd March - 26th April: refund minus a 10% cancellation fee + £44 membership fee
After 27th April: refund minus a 10% cancellation fee + £44 membership fee if we are able to find a replacement participant
To book, please click here.